Call 999 if somebody is seriously ill or injured

Always call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. A call operator will advise you on what will happen next.

Examples of medical emergencies include (but are not limited to):

  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Unconsciousness
  • Severe loss of blood
  • Severe burns or scalds
  • Choking
  • Severe allergic reactions.

If you’re unsure whether or not it’s an emergency, you can dial 111 (NHS 111) at any time.

Do you really need to go to the Emergency Department?

Emergency departments should only be used in an emergency or life-threatening situation. If you don't need emergency care, please consider one of the alternatives below.

Call NHS 111

If you have an urgent but non life-threatening medical concern, you can get advice by calling NHS 111. Our highly trained advisers will ask about your symptoms and then advise you on what to do next.

NHS 111 is available 24/7 and is free.

The adviser will direct you to the right place of care, which can include:

  • sending an ambulance
  • connecting you to a nurse,
  • emergency dentist or GP
  • community pharmacist
  • booking a face-to-face appointment (where available)
  • providing self-care advice

Ways to contact NHS 111

Telephone: 111


Urgent Treatment Centres

An Urgent Treatment Centre can give you advice and treatment for minor injuries and ailments. You don’t always need an appointment and anyone can use the service – including those who are not registered with a GP. Urgent Treatment Centre opening hours can be found on NHS.UK

Find your nearest urgent treatment centre

GP Surgeries

When you are unwell and do not need emergency attention, you can make arrangements to see your GP.

Not registered with a GP?

Find your nearest surgery to register.


A pharmacist can give advice on a minor injuries or illnesses, such as infections, cold and flu, travel advice and rashes. They can also prescribe certain medicines including emergency contraception, flu vaccines and emergency supplies of your regular prescriptions.

They often have a private consultation room if you need to talk to them in confidence.

Find your local pharmacy


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