As a healthcare provider DHU adhere to the Accessible Information Standard (AIS). This means we will provide assistance to people who have difficulty accessing and understanding information, and support them to communicate effectively.

The AIS was published by NHS England in July 2015. It is a legal requirement of the Equality Act 2010 and applies to all health and social care organisations.

The standard requires us to identify, record and meet the needs of patients, carers and parents who need communication support or information in a format you can understand.

For example you might need more help because you are deaf, blind, have memory problems, a learning disability or speech impediment.

As part of the accessible information standard we must do these five things:

  • Ask people if they have any information or communication needs, find out what they are and how to meet their needs. 
  • Record those needs clearly in the patient's records, whether in an electronic record or paper notes. This information must be recorded in a set way on the right part of the record. 
  • Highlight or flag the patient’s file or case notes so it is clear that they have an information or communication need to make sure this can be seen whenever the record is checked and to see how to meet their specific needs.
  • Share information about people’s information and communication needs with other providers of NHS and adult social care, when we have consent or permission to do so.
  • Act by taking steps to ensure that people receive information they can use and easily understand, and that they receive communication support when they need it.

Accessible information is information which is able to be read, received and understood by the individual or group for which it is intended. For people with an accessible information need, information is provided in an alternative to standard printed or handwritten English, for example large print, braille or email.

We use both and an accessibility bar and Browsealoud which offers a host of reading and translation support – helping you to access and understand our website better.  

  • text-to-speech: click on or select any text to hear it read aloud
  • translation: written and spoken translations in multiple languages
  • text magnification: enlarges text and reads it out loud
  • mp3 generation: converts selected text into an MP3 audio file
  • screen mask: blocks distractions on screen with a tinted mask
  • web page simplifer: removes clutter from the screen, displaying only the main text
  • settings: customise options to suit individual needs or preferences

All the features are accessed from an easy-to-use, floating toolbar – allowing you to drag and drop it anywhere on screen.  

Watch the Browsealoud Features video to see Browsealoud in action.

Find out more about how this website meets accessibility standards by visiting here.

If you or your carer have any communication or information needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss, then please let us know.

We can provide all of our information in the following formats:

  • Audio
  • Braille and Moon
  • British Sign Language
  • Easy read and Makaton
  • Accessible print publications
  • Subtitling
  • Telephone
  • Textphone

For more information about the Accessible Information Standard, visit NHS England’s webpage dedicated to AIS:

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