Publish date: 5 December 2023

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Today we’re going to visit our 111 Advice Centre in Oldbury to meet one of our more recent additions to the team, Dean Whitlock, who joined us at DHU in August 2023.

Dean is an Operational Performance Manager and has a history of working within an advice centre environment, helping those who call in a very different way.

He told us: “I actually joined DHU from a vehicle logistics business where I was the Head of Customer Operations, however prior to that I worked for The AA for nearly 13 years within their contact and operations centre holding various different leadership and management positions. It might sound like an unusual link but working with the AA is, if you’re thinking about values and what the person on the end of the line is looking for, very similar in terms of what the person actually needs.

“People would call us because they needed help, it may have been their car rather than themselves, but our job was to get them the right help, quickly and ensure we do so in a caring, compassionate way.

"Understand the patient's specific needs..."

“Of course the focus is different here and the training I received at DHU was very intense, introducing me to the different pathways of advice we need to know to understand the patient’s very specific needs. It was a bit of a whirlwind in all honesty, lots of learning and the insight I gained from listening into the Health Advisors’ calls, how they speak to the patients, what help and advice they give was incredible. It was an eye opener and the respect it gives you to see the way they care about what they do and the lengths they go to to get the right care is amazing.

“In terms of my role, I look after our Non-Clinical Performance Managers, Operational Shift Leads (OSLs) and Deputy OSLs. It’s all linked to performance in real time, our availability of colleagues to take calls and making sure we have what we need to give patients the best possible experience. It’s challenging, especially as we have some of the team who moved over from West Midlands Ambulance Service who are used to a different way of working than those who have just joined DHU. It’s looking after that shift in culture and making sure we’re all aligned and available to help with any queries and concerns.

“It can be stressful, but I enjoy staying busy and I enjoy what I do. It fills me with pride when I know I’m supporting people to do their very best for our patients and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to know we’re helping people in their hour of need. It’s a tremendous team here at Oldbury and I’m delighted to be a part of it.”

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