Publish date: 4 March 2024

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Meet Stefan Leedham, who has recently moved into a new role of Staff Engagement Officer within our 111 team based at Oldbury.

Stefan's journey with DHU began back in July 2023 when he joined the organisation as a Health Advisor. Prior to this he developed his skills in healthcare, specialising in caring for patients with complex behavioural issues. This background gave him the invaluable insight he needed into the intricacies of patient care, which he now uses within his role at DHU.

Driven by a desire to make positive change, Stefan found himself drawn to his new position as a Staff Engagement Officer for the NHS111 team. He saw this as a tremendous opportunity to bring his innovative ideas to life and make a practical difference within the NHS111 team.

Stefan belileves that creating moments for colleagues to pause during what is almost always a busy schedule is an important part of being able to understand the role they play and its importance to patients care. He explained: "For me this role is about bringing people together within their teams and developing a sense of unity. My goal is to support this process to facilitate the way our teams can grow and flourish.

“In this relatively new role, I will be able tocollaborate closely with colleagues across various departments, including Ella who plays a similar role at the Orbis Advice Centre in Derby. Together, we are aiming to introduce a diverse range of events aimed at promoting staff engagement, well-being, inclusion and bring everyone together. Additionally, I aim to work hand-in-hand with the communications team to ensure we can engage more effectively and link in with wider communication strategies and events they may have planned across DHU.

“Looking ahead, we’re dedicated to establishing a clear monthly structure for staff engagement activities which includes national events, regional activities and some plans we have that are original to DHU. I see a workplace where every team member feels empowered to contribute their ideas and experiences, ultimately driving the organisation forward and setting our own identity.

Speaking about the new role, Stefan commented, "Our 111 service and our teams have grown significantly in a relatively short space of time, prompting a real necessity for someone situated within our advice centres to promote solidarity among colleagues and lead engagement efforts. I've been casually engaged in things like this alongside my previous responsibilities, so taking on this role feels like a logical next step in my career journey and one I'm looking forward to."

Stefan's commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive work environment is evident in every aspect of his role. His approach, coupled with his genuine passion for supporting colleagues, makes him an ideal person to drive this forwards across our 111 team.

A big thank you to Stefan for talking to us about his new role, and stay tuned for DHU’s next #WhatDoYouDo.

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