Publish date: 26 May 2023

Our ‘Charity Champions’ are dedicated volunteers within DHU Healthcare who work tirelessly to make a positive impact within the communities we serve and raise money for important causes.

From organising fundraising events, to raising awareness for important causes, they are adding social value and making a positive impact.

Every month we celebrate their efforts, just like this great example below...

Leading up to the Coronation earlier this month, Sarah Branney, a Nurse Advisor, showcased her remarkable talent by crafting a magnificent knitted crown befitting a king, in celebration of the event at Orbis. Christopher Tunnicliffe, an ardent royalist, immediately developed a fondness for the crown and enquired about its availability for purchase. Demonstrating her true spirit as a Charity Champion, Sarah generously offered the crown to Chris in exchange for a donation to her chosen charity, Derby Hedgehog Rescue.

Chris told us: “I am a massive royalist. Just to give you an idea, I’ve watched the Coronation 5 times so far! When I saw the knitted St. Edward’s crown at Orbis I just knew it had to be part of my royalty collection. In return I offered to donate to Sarah’s favourite charity.”

Sarah said: “I was more than happy for Chris to have the crown…I’m glad it can go to a good home! It was my first attempt and I swore I’d never do another because although I love crochet (it is crochet, not knitting) I hate sewing and those sequins were evil!”

But the story doesn't end there! In a heartwarming turn of events, after Chris made his donation to Derby Hedgehog Rescue, they reached out to Sarah, expressing their gratitude and asked if she could provide a home for a rescued hedgehog in her garden.

Sarah continued: “He’d been found injured on the pavement in East Leake, had a successful operation to fix his leg and was nursed back to health. He’s been given the all clear by the vets and is ready for the outside world and my garden is perfect. This is exactly what donations pay for.”

A huge shout-out to Sarah and Chris for their tremendous support of this cause. Their exchange exemplifies how even a small gesture can make a significant difference.

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