Publish date: 20 August 2024

On Friday 16 August 2024, the chemical spillage was stood down as a major incident by the West Midlands Local Resilience Forum.

FAQs containing guidance and advice about the toxic chemical spill can now be viewed on the council website - further information will be added as it becomes available. 

Laboratory testing conducted by the Environment Agency is continuing and the restricted length of canal is now 1 kilometre. Temporary dams have been installed at each end of the restricted red zone of canal.

A section of the canal from James Bridge on Bentley Mill Way in Darlaston to the west to Rollingmill Street, Walsall to the east will remain closed (see map) until further notice. In this area chemicals, including sodium cyanide and zinc cyanide, have been found at elevated levels. 

Thorough testing has taken place within a 12 mile stretch of the canal from the Walsall lock flight to the lock flights at Rushall/Ryders Green and Perry Barr.

In order to avoid potential health risks to the public and to their pets the canal and towpaths in this area were closed from Monday 12 August to 7am on Friday 16 August 2024.

Lab testing shows that water quality is within public health guidelines in significant stretches of the canal that have previously been closed. These areas have been reopened to the public and normal activities can resume. However, as a further precaution people are being reminded not to remove and eat fish from canals and it is, in any event, illegal to do so except where required under the Wildlife & Countryside Act.

Following sample tests carried out by specialist contractors, results show 300 metres of canal length were impacted by the spill. There have been significant numbers of fish killed, but the impact on the wider ecology is not yet known. 

Our priority continues to be the safety of our residents and canal users. Local, regional and national agencies are working together to minimise the potential risk to health following the spillage.

Over the weekend, Environment Agency specialists completed a full fish kill assessment along the canal. Approximately 90kg of fish carcasses were removed by contractors, Adler & Allan, and taken offsite for safe storage and disposal.  

Chemical testing will continue on a daily basis, and we are monitoring water levels. Although we hope cyanide levels will fall, we are exploring all potential remediation techniques that may be required in the future.  

The impact of the chemical spillage has been relatively contained. Field observations and laboratory testing indicate the pollution is contained by temporary dams constructed in the canal by the Canal & River Trust.   Walsall lock flight remains closed to boat movement, with barriers in place at Ocker Hill Junction and Birchills Junction to prevent boaters meeting a dead end. Information for boaters can be found at: 

The Canal & River Trust, the nation’s canal charity, has launched a crowdfunding campaign and is inviting the public to help the ongoing recovery of the canal and the wildlife it supports. The crowdfunder is available here:

The source of the spillage has been identified and stopped and an investigation is underway into its cause. It is believed to be Anochrome Ltd and the Environment Agency is leading an urgent investigation into how this pollution incident occurred.

Anyone who has been exposed (direct physical contact with canal water) along the affected stretch of the canal and is feeling unwell, should seek health advice via 111 or 999 in an emergency.

For more detailed information, please visit the Walsall Council website.

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