Publish date: 11 July 2023

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Our 111 Resource Planning Team has received an International Award!

DHU Healthcare’s team was handed the ‘Best Change Agent’ Award at the NICE Interactions CX Excellence Awards, a national ceremony that featured projects from all over the world, held in London’s lavish Tobacco Dock.

NICE hold two annual awards, their International ceremony and a separate one for North America and Canada, with DHU Healthcare holding off competition from Singapore, Australia and Bali as part of the work they did introducing the NICE Workforce Management System.

“Positive impact on our colleagues”

Adam Paginton (pictured centre in both pics above) is DHU111’s Head of Workforce Management, he said: “It’s a big award that’s given to those whose project has had the biggest impact in the first year of introduction. It took a lot of work to bring it online and we knew it would have a positive impact on our colleagues, but the way it has taken off is phenomenal and it’s great to see all of that hard work recognised.

“In short it's changed the way we've been able to schedule our training sessions, shift patterns, for our colleagues to book annual leave and much more. It has meant that some processes that used to take days now take hours or even minutes to carry out and that has saved our colleagues huge amounts of time.

“It has had a knock-on effect to the way we provide patient care and the work life balance of our people who now have more time to provide the best quality, compassionate care to those who need to use the service.”

The system went live late in 2022 following months of planning and a phased launch that introduced different elements of the system in stages. It has provided our colleagues with greater flexibility over their time, how they manage breaks and annual leave and even when they start and finish a shaft.

“Emotional lift”

Adam added: “You can’t underestimate the impact. Due to the nature of many 111 shifts being four days on, four days off, being able to book annual leave from home is a big deal. Previously they may have had to wait four days before being back at work and checking the systems. The emotional lift that gives people to have more freedom over their time is hard to measure.

“In terms of the award, for me it’s all about the team and the support from other areas of DHU which all contributed to the success of this project. It was a superb evening, I got the chance to speak to people from all manner of technical backgrounds, including forensic science, face recognition and some huge tech companies. It was inspiring and it’s put DHU Healthcare on the world map.”

Congratulations to Adam, his team and everybody who supported the project for their amazing work.

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